Upcoming Events

Summer "4n4n4" Young Adults Retreat

  • an Online Introductory Retreat

  • learn the practical fundamentals of:

  • Prayer, Discernment, & Spirituality.

2024: starting Tuesday July 23d

Registration Deadline: 2024 May 31

The "4n4n4" retreat =
  • over a period of 4 weeks
  • each week: a 1 hour prayer period (topic will be assigned)
  • each week: meet with a Retreat Director

  • Introductory online Instructional Lecture: 7:00 pm Tuesday July 23d
  • Space Limited
  • Cost: Free, + Registration Processing Fee: $30 (bursaries available)

To request an application form for this Retreat, please email: External link opens in new tab or windowcoordinator@jsav.ca

Inquiries: jesuitdirector[the sign for "At"]jsav.ca

The "5n5n5" Young Adults Retreat

Interfacing with God through the Bible

Introduction to Praying with Scripture

Summer 2024: August 12th - 17th

Registration Deadline: 2024 May 31

  • an Online Introductory Retreat
  • learn the practical fundamentals of:
Praying with the Bible (& further fundamentals in Discernment & Spirituality)
  • a follow-up/Next -Step after the 4n4n4 Retreat
Open to those who have successfully completed the 4n4n4 Retreat

The "5n5n5" Retreat =
  • over a period of 5 days
  • 5 prayer periods (one 1 hour prayer period each day -- topics will be assigned)
  • 5 sessions of Spiritual Direction - with your own personal Retreat Director

Introductory online Instructional Lecture: 7:00 pm 2024 August 12th

  • Space Limited
  • Cost: Free, + Registration Processing Fee: $30 (bursaries available)
  • Registration Deadline: 2024 May 31

To request an application form for this Retreat, please email: External link opens in new tab or windowcoordinator@jsav.ca

Inquiries: jesuitdirector[the sign for "At"]jsav.ca

8-Day Ignatian Silent Directed Retreat

2024 August 01 - 09

·    Registration Deadline: 2024 May 31

·    In-Person (if in the Vancouver area) or Online

·    Find your own venue for the Retreat

·    Where you can be in Silence & Solitude


•       Opening Session: Thursday - 7:00 pm, 2024 August 01

•       Space Limited

•       Cost: Free, + Registration Processing Fee: $30 (bursaries available)

Normally for those who have completed the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life Retreat.

This retreat is a privileged time for you to encounter God.

Each day of the retreat consists of four 1-hour prayer periods in a context of Silence & Solitude.

You will be assigned a Retreat Director with whom you will meet daily.

Your director will listen with you to discern the movements of God in your prayer

and guide you in the direction to which Jesus invites.

Note: This is not a retreat in Daily Life; it is a 'full-on" Silent Retreat.

Retreatants are expected to book time off for the duration of the retreat

As we do not have our own Retreat House, you will have to find a place of quiet solitude to commit to this retreat (for example, a private dwelling or a B&B).

To request an application form for this Retreat, please email: External link opens in new tab or windowcoordinator@jsav.ca

Inquiries: jesuitdirector[the sign for "At"]jsav.ca

The "6n6n6" Post-Exx Retreat:

A short Retreat “in Daily Life”

For those who have completed the Exx.

6 Prayer Periods in

6 Days, with

6 Sessions of Spiritual Direction

      Registration Deadline: 2023 May 31

·    an Online Retreat

·   for those who have successfully made the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola

·    Continuing and/or Renewing, in the Ignatian Tradition, your Experience of the Spiritual Life

The Retreat focuses on your actually Experiencing God:

•       Opening Session: Wednesday - 7:00 pm, 2024 July 24

•       Space Limited

•       Cost: Free, + Processing Fee: $30 (bursaries available)

To request an application form for this Retreat, please email: External link opens in new tab or windowcoordinator@jsav.ca

Inquiries: jesuitdirector[the sign for "At"]jsav.ca

"4n4n4" Young Adults Retreat

Great Lent 2023: starting March 07

Registration is now closed

  • Online Introductory Retreat
  •  learn the practical fundamentals of:
  • Prayer, Discernment, & Spirituality.

The "4 and 4 in 4 Retreat" =

  • over 4 weeks:
  • Each week: a 1 hour prayer period (topic assigned).
  • Each week: meet with a Spiritual Director (online)
  • Intro. online Lecture: Tuesday. 7:00pm, 2023 March 07
  • Space Limited
  • Registration Fee: $30 (bursaries available)
  • Registration Deadline: 2023 Feb. 10