Payments for Retreat registration fees or other remittances
For Retreat Registration fees or all other (non-donation) remittances only:
Interac E-transfer
Please send to No security question is required, but please include a note in the message field that provides the name of the retreat and name of the retreatant.
Please send cheque by mail to JSAV and indicate retreat info (name of the retreat and name of the retreatant) to:
Jesuit Spirituality Apostolate of Vancouver
2258 West 41st Avenue
Vancouver, BC
V6M 1Z8
Making a Donation to JSAV
There are four convenient ways to make a donation to our ministry:
Interact E-transfer
Please send to No security question is required, but please include a note in the message field as follows: "Gift to JSAV". Please send a follow-up email to provide the name of the donor and mailing address.
Credit card or Paypal
Go to and click "Support Us", then click "Donate Now". Donations are accepted via Paypal, Visa, or Mastercard. Under the field "Add special Instructions from sender", please note in the message field: "Gift to JSAV".
Please call the Jesuit Advancement Office at (416) 481-9154 during business hours (8:30am-4:30pm) Eastern Time, Monday to Friday.
Send a cheque payable to:
Jesuits of Canada – Jesuit Office of Advancement
43 Queen's Park Crescent East
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 2C3
Please note in your cheque: "Gift to JSAV".